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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Toshiba Launches 750GB and 1TB Notebook Hard Drives

Toshiba moved notebook storage a significant step forward on Wednesday night by launching the MK7559GSXP. The 2.5-inch drive is the first to hold 750GB but reach the same 9.5mm (0.37in) height as most slimmer notebook hard drives. As such, it can provide the capacity expected of a desktop hard drive but fit into thin-and-light notebooks like the MacBook Pro as well as all-in-one desktops and digital media hubs.

Despite having about 17 percent more capacity, the new SATA II drive consumes about 14 percent less power than the 640GB drive it's set to replace and could extend the theoretical battery life. It spins at just 5,400RPM, but its very high density, two-platter design may compensate for the perceived drop in access speed.

In tandem with the thin drive, Toshiba is rolling out the MKxx59GSM line, which brings 750GB and 1TB drives but in a taller three-platter, 12.5mm (0.49in) profile more suited to desktop replacement notebooks and other computers where thinness isn't an absolute priority. Either rotates at the same speed but is slightly less energy-efficient.

All three of the disks are due to start sampling for system builders in April and should enter mass production soon afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. Toshiba Launches 1TB Hard Drive
    Toshiba announced today that it's now shipping its first 1TB standard 2.5-inch, 9mm-thick internal hard drive for laptops, the MQ01ABD series.
    This is the company's first 2.5-in internal hard drive that's based on the 500GB-per-platter technology that offers the areal density of 744Gb per square inch.
